This Blog...

This Blog is a QUT, 2nd Year Architecture Assignment. In this assignment we are asked to research 3 Exemplar Houses (2 Australian, 1 International). We are then to choose one of the three to do a detailed analysis of. Using this research we are then to design a Cabin for the designer of the exemplar house and his wife. We are to create a blog and update our research and designs for the duration of the project. (Due 24 / 03/2010)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

House as an Environmental Filter

The Bordeaux house has many features that help it contribute to being an environmental filter for the client. A few examples of these environmental filters include -

  • Its use of glass on the middle level - this use of glass allows the view to be seen from all angles on this level on the house, while keeping out all the unwanted aspects of the environment such as wind, rain and snow.
  • The Bordeaux house also has no eaves. This design decision shows the difference between designing for the nothern hemisphere house to that of a house in the southern hemisphere. As the house is situated in France the cooler climate allows for this design. This means that in the winter months more sunlight can enter the house keeping it warm.

From this it can be seen that the designer, Rem Koolhaus, has considered the house as an environmental filter when designing it.

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