This Blog...

This Blog is a QUT, 2nd Year Architecture Assignment. In this assignment we are asked to research 3 Exemplar Houses (2 Australian, 1 International). We are then to choose one of the three to do a detailed analysis of. Using this research we are then to design a Cabin for the designer of the exemplar house and his wife. We are to create a blog and update our research and designs for the duration of the project. (Due 24 / 03/2010)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Maison a Bordeaux - Drawings

To fully appreciate Rem Koolhaas and his team of designers work on the Bordeaux house, it is important to view the drawings.
Below are a free-hand set of drawings done of the Bordeaux Residence.
These drawings are a recreation of images of plans, and therefore are not exact replicas.

Ground Floor Plan: Drawn on A3 at 1:100 - Underground semi private and public

Mid-Floor Plan: Drawn on A3 at 1:100 - The glass level, Public Space

Top Floor Level - Drawn on A3 at 1:100 - The private space

Exterior Elevations

East Elevation - Drawn on A3 at 1:100
South Elevation - Drawn on A3 at 1:100
Section - Drawn on A3 at 1:100
The section is one of the most important drawings in this set. This helps to understand the different types of space inside the Bordeaux house. When looking at the Residence from this angle it is easy to identify the areas where vertical and horizontal containers have been used in the design. (Refer to house as a container) It is also easier to identify how different materials define the type of, whether it is public space or private. The middle level, shown in glass is public, while the top level, with little Windows and only skylights for openings creates a private space.


  1. can you sent me the autocad drawings?

  2. can I have the dwg files, please?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. can you sent me the autcAad drawings?

  5. I'm an architecture student can you sent me the autcAad drawings, please? my mail:

  6. Is it possible to send me the dwg files? (
